Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Moving forward

District Residents,

The results of last night's operating levy (results below) are indeed disappointing. The tally does not reflect the hard work of SOS Committee co-chairs Barb Mork and Charley Klopp, nor the many other community and staff members who supported the district's levy efforts. We are grateful these individuals courageously answered the call to advocacy.

The district must now begin to prepare for additional budget cuts. We will keep you informed throughout the process.

Our mission at NBAPS remains the same and I am confident we will continue to partner with families and communities to challenge all students to achieve their greatest potential and become informed citizens.

Always keeping that mission in mind, district staff will move forward and continue to do what we can with what we have.


Deb Henton Ed.D.



  1. We look forward to hearing how the salary negotiations go!

  2. Around 6 years ago there was the levy vote to build the Sunrise School. The reasoning was that the Main Street School needed to be replaced. The prohibitive costs of maintenance and utilities do to its age were points I agreed with and I voted to build the new school. Why then is the Main Street School still operating? Why are we still paying to Heat and maintain a building that needed to be replaced? We did not replace a school we added one. This adds costs and I will not consider voting for another levy until the Main Street School is mothballed.


I welcome and appreciate your input at this site. I ask only that we always be respectful of each other. Comments perceived to be disrespectful will not be posted.