Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Answers lie at the state level

Minnesota 2020's John Fitzgerald has an incredible article everyone in North Branch Area Public Schools needs to read. Here's an excerpt:

North Branch is considering conversion to a four-day week next year. Can other financially troubled districts like Robbinsdale, Brooklyn Center or Minneapolis be far behind?

The problem is simple. Minnesota has cut aid to schools by an inflation-adjusted 14 percent since 2003. None of the state's school districts can survive with that kind of a cut to their revenue unless they have very wealthy property owners who are willing to raise taxes to make up for the state's inadequate funding. Understandably, the number of those wealthy districts is few.

North Branch is not one of those wealthy districts.
Please, if you care about education at NBAPS, read it all.

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Friday, February 5, 2010

School finance 101 and the four-day week

North Branch Area Public Schools is hosting two important meetings on Thursday, Feb. 18. At 6 p.m., in the Sunrise River School cafeteria, all are welcome to attend "School Finance 101," hosted by Schools for Equity in Education's Deb Griffiths. Just in time for budget season, learn how schools are funded and the challenges faced by NBAPS.

Immediately following that one-hour presentation, the district will host the first of three informational meetings on the four-day school week (7 - 8:30 p.m. SRS cafeteria). Early estimates suggest the district could save a minimum of $125,000 annually by implementing such a schedule. Please go to the four-day school week information page to learn more.

Two other public meetings will follow:

Feb. 22: School board room (204), Main Street School, 7 - 8:30 a.m.
Feb. 23: High school auditorium, 5 - 6:30 p.m.

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