Thursday, February 23, 2012

D3 to expand in March

D3 to expand in March In January of this year, North Branch Area Public Schools (NBAPS) took the ground-breaking step of allowing students to bring digital devices to school. We took this approach because, unlike so many other school districts, NBAPS cannot afford to purchase devices for students.

Thus far, D3 (Discover Digital Devices) at the high school has been successful, though not without ups and downs. Those are part of any change though, and we are confident that any issues being experienced are short-term in nature. I can say that every student I have spoken to has given the program high marks.

And so we move onto phase two of D3, implemenation at the middle school. Middle school families were sent a letter late last week making sure they are aware of the coming change. The letter explains that students will be taught responsible usage not just in the lead-up to D3, but going forward as well.

The letter will be followed soon by a permission slip that articulates guidelines for using digital devices clearly. Not only must students sign the permission slip, but their parent/guardian must also do the same.

A concern that I have heard in the past has been that allowing devices allows students to bring things into school that don’t belong. In an expectations video that will be shown to middle school students, Principal Todd Tetzlaff makes it very clear that a device is no different than a backpack; if the school has reason to believe there may be something “in” that device that does not belong in school, school staff have the autrhority to inspect the device.

I am very pleased to report that concern has not been an issue at the high school.

D3 is another example how NBAPS is “returning to its roots” so to speak, creating a more “cutting edge” district willing to try new things for the sake of improving engagement and increasing efficiency.



  1. I appreciate your post and explaining the theory behind why you have allowed the technology to come into the class rooms from home. However, I feel it is hypocritical that this district refuses to ask parents to fund educational field trips because too many of their students are on free and reduced lunches, but has opened these same students up to feel less than their peers. Obviously, these same students do not have the means to purchase the technology the other students have. My kids are telling me that the teacher's are utilizing this technology in their lessons. Library ck outs for Kindle Fire's cannot be your answer or computer rooms in a different location. How do you plan to equal this learning deficit?

  2. Ross,

    Thank you for broaching this important subject. I have spoken to many parents and economics is only one reason why a particular student may not have access to a given technology. For other parents technology responsibility is a concern. We at the district are doing much to make sure no students feel left out of D3. We are even now awaiting word on a grant to purchase a number of netbooks for students to use in the classroom (we should hear very soon and when we do I will let you know), and students with devices are expected to share in the classroom as well. It was certainly never our intent to create a "have/have not" situation but merely to recognize that education without access to technology in 2012 ignores the basic reality of the modern world. We already have some devices in our buildings that are part of pilot projects and we are doggedly seeking funds for more to create balance for our students.

    Your concern is very much our concern and I appreciate you allowing me the opportunity to explain further. Have a great day!

  3. Ross,

    I am happy to report to you now that the district did receive a grant from the North Branch Area Education Foundation for the purchase of 15 netbooks specifically to be used in class by students who may not own devices. Thank you NBAEF!


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