Thursday, August 11, 2011

Make a difference

As noted in last week’s column, the NBAPS school board unanimously supported seeking an operating levy this fall. All school board members see the need and the reality; the need to provide for the community’s children to the best of our ability, and the reality of the state’s situation, which doesn’t hold much promise for solving inequities in funding in the near future. So, it will be up to local taxpayers to provide additional means for students.

Toward a successful levy this fall, each school board member provided the district names of constituents they believe would be interested in serving on a citizens committee, and interested in supporting additional funding for our schools. Those citizens have been invited to an informational meeting at 6 p.m., this Thursday, in room 126 of the North Branch Area Education Center.

Whether or not you receive a postcard invitation to the meeting, your presence is needed and appreciated. If you have an interest in education, are frustrated by our lack of state funding, or simply want to see our community compete with surrounding communities more aggressively, you are the type of person that can make a difference.

Throughout history, from suffragists to the Tea Party, the most successful attempts at change were built from the ground up. In my tenure here I have seen grassroots support for the district grow each year. Despite almost insurmountable challenges last fall, grassroots efforts were extremely successful in making more people aware of the district’s situation.

It is the school board’s desire to spread that awareness even further this year, and you are integral to that effort. Please consider attending this all-important meeting and learn about ways you can contribute to creating better partnerships between community and schools.

I’ll see you there!


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