Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The reasons why

Over my many years as an educator and administrator I have been asked why I am so passionate about my job on numerous occasions.

For all of us there are times when we struggle with our decisions, but if we look closely it is not hard to find the reasons we do the things we do. For me, graduation is one of those reminders.

North Branch Area Public Schools sent the class of 2011 into the world last Wednesday. I watched as Principal McDonough conducted his first such ceremony as a principal; I watched as the school board proudly handed out diplomas, I watched as staff worked so hard to make the occasion memorable, and I watched with pride as a group of young adults ended one chapter of their lives and began another.

Few feelings are felt more strongly in education than the pride in sending a group of people into the world knowing you have done everything you can to give them the tools to pursue their dreams and make the most of their opportunities.

Soon enough, these graduates will embark on careers of their own, start families, and become responsible for the education of another generation of young minds. It is an awesome responsibility and one I have no doubt these graduates will take very seriously.

We often hear what is “wrong” with education. There are about as many thoughts on that as there are people to express those thoughts. Unfortunately, most don’t know and may never seek to find what is “right” in education. I would suggest you look no further than our students. Despite the challenges they face they received a top-notch education provided by district staff and the taxpayers who support the district.

Creating generations of adults – ready to carry on and nurture the American dream – is something we can all be proud of.


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