Monday, April 18, 2011

District business is now easier to find

North Branch Area Public Schools is making a change regarding how it shares school board meeting agendas, packets, and podcasts this week and we believe this change represents an improvement to citizens’ ability to find the information they need.

The change is the result of Budget Boot Camp, and utilizes an online product called Boardbook to facilitate paperless meetings.

Overall, the switch to paperless meetings will save the district thousands of dollars a year in staff time and printing costs, a good thing in these current economic times. It also allows the district to more readily share information prior to meetings, as we can now very easily make the school board packets available to the general public online.

As well, it allows us the ability to keep all of our meeting information in one place, and documents, agendas, and podcasts from each meeting easy to access with fewer clicks! Going forward, all meeting information will be available in a single place.

Please stay tuned to the district home page ( for details regarding how to find and use Boardbook. Links will be placed under the “district office” drop-down menu and will also accompany meeting announcements placed on the main section of the page as those meetings approach.

We are very excited to be making use of yet another online tool to provide our families, public, and staff the information they need to be aware of what is happening with the district and make informed decisions regarding the future of education in North Branch.

As always, please feel free to call the district at (651) 674-1000 if you have any questions or require assistance using this innovative feature.


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