Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Why is the district resurfacing the high school track?

This week I have had a few inquiries regarding the resurfacing of the high school track and how it fits with the district's budget issues. I addressed this subject a few months ago in my "School News" column (click here to go to the online version). for your convenience, I re-post the column here in its entirety:

How can we fix the track while cutting budgets?

By Deb Henton, Ed.D.

One difficult task school districts have, especially those experiencing budget cuts, is explaining the difference between “operating” and “capital” budgets. To put it in a local context: How can the district repair the high school track when it is cutting teachers?

Repairing the track, or replacing a roof, adding secure entrances to buildings, or conducting asbestos abatement, fall into the category of capital needs, or maintenance, and have dedicated funding sources. In simple terms, funds available for those projects cannot be used for operating expenses. So, even if the district wanted to use capital funds to keep teachers or programs, it is not allowed to do that.

These rules exist for a reason. A district has a responsibility to the community it serves to maintain its physical resources for future generations. Taxpayers provide the funds to construct buildings, parking lots, tennis courts, and tracks, and it is the district’s duty to make sure those investments are protected. When done correctly, as it has been for decades with the Main Street School, those resources can be available for students, and the community, for generations.

Were rules not in place, it would force districts to choose between the classroom and its facilities.

Replacing the track has become an urgent need. It is roughly 35 years old, and its life span is 18-20 years.

Failure to fix it could result in an inability to host track meets.

Allowing the track to fall into such a state of disrepair as to render it unusable would be devastating to the track program and disrespectful of taxpayers who expect us to maintain facilities their hard-earned money funded, and who utilize the track themselves.

The inability to host meets could also have a negative economic impact on the community. Perhaps more than any other event, track meets bring large numbers of students and parents from outside the area. They purchase gas for their vehicles, eat in our restaurants, and shop in our stores.

People ask regularly, “How do we attract people to North Branch?” Track meets are one way in which we already do. The district has a responsibility to protect such a valuable resource, not just for present students and taxpayers, but future ones as well.

If you still have questions about the track, please don't hesitate to call me at 651-674-1012.


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