Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A change coming for next year

As is always the case between school years, there will be many changes at North Branch Area Public Schools this summer. Some of those changes are budget related and others are simply to improve the delivery of services and make the district more effective.

One change that will directly affect families is the change from the Skyward student information system to the TIES student information system. We are very excited about this change and we hope that you will see the benefits as you familiarize yourself with the system.

For the school district, switching to TIES has many benefits. Perhaps most important, it will allow us to streamline student data and make it immediately available for teachers, who can compare it to other students not just at NBAPS but in surrounding districts as well. It will allow teachers to better and more quickly react to educational red flags, and should improve the educational experience altogether.

Switching to TIES means the school district will be able to better serve families in a variety of ways. As we move through the process of changing systems, we will provide additional details on how the system can make life easier and provide opportunities to be more involved in your child’s education.

I strongly encourage families to sign up for the service when it becomes available. One important reason to do so is that the district will switch to paperless report cards to save money. Report cards will be available through the TIES information system. Of course, paper copies will be made available for those without internet service.

A letter should be received by families in the near future announcing the change. There will be more information passed along as the summer progresses. As always, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.


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