Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My open letter to Governor Pawlenty

The following was sent to the governor and copied to legislators, media, and heads of professional organizations on April 5:

Dear Governor Pawlenty:

North Branch Area Public Schools (NBAPS) is deeply grateful to you for your dedication to protecting education funding as the state has struggled with deficits. NBAPS staff, students, and community know a thing or two about deficits, and that is why I write to you today.

Since 2003-04, NBAPS has cut over $11 million from operating budgets. As each annual cut approaches, the decisions get more and more difficult, and the community more and more frustrated with valuable things lost. After almost a decade of painful cuts, valuable programs, gifted staff, and countless opportunities have been replaced by extremely high class sizes, increased fees, a shortened school week, and a community that doesn't understand why its children are worth less than those of almost every other district in the state.

Our taxpayers support education but, due to a lack of commercial tax base in Chisago County, bear the lion's share of the tax burden as residential home owners. Given the opportunity to say "no" to an operating levy and higher taxes, our community has done so six times in the last decade. We understand that decision; levies here cost taxpayers two, three times, or more what they would cost in another district, largely due to the erosion of the equalization formulas.

We are proud of what we have accomplished. The state asked districts to make do with less and we have come through each and every year. We may be one of the lowest funded districts in the state, but I would put the quality of the education here against any district in the state.

Our staff has embraced Q-Comp and ours is considered by MDE to be among the finest Q-Comp plans in the state. North Branch Area Middle School has twice (2007, 2010) been recognized with a Spotlight Award from the Minnesota Academic Excellence Foundation. On both occasions, it was the only middle school in the state to be so recognized.

We have also found creative ways to be fiscally responsible. The school board recently approved the closure of a building, the district has joined a cooperative for special education services, shares an employee with another district, and has embraced the idea of shared services for years.

However, the district and community can no longer sustain these cuts, and the frustration and mistrust they cause. While other districts in the state are passing levies to add opportunity, our teachers accepted a hard wage freeze for this year, as have I, and other employees will be expected to do the same. We are implementing a four-day week to save $175,000 a year. We have cut energy costs by over $100,000.

As a former civics teacher, I know that often-times answers to the problems we face lie in our state and federal constitutions. In Minnesota, the importance of education was understood very well by our forefathers, who articulated that importance in this passage of our state constitution: " is the duty of the legislature to establish a general and uniform system of public schools. The legislature shall make such provisions by taxation or otherwise as will secure a thorough and efficient system of public schools throughout the state."

Governor, there is little that is uniform about our public school system at this time. The current funding formula has created a vast gap between the haves and the have nots. Until this gap is addressed, the state is not living up to the promise our forefathers made its citizens, a promise important enough to include as part of the very fabric of the state.

NBAPS is looking at another $1.2 million in cuts for 2011-12, and has projected deficits well into the future. Though we realize the state has financial challenges of its own, it should not stop our esteemed leaders from finding a way to live up to the state's constitutional duty to all students in Minnesota. Please solve the funding inequities in public education. Please repair the equalization formula. There are 3,500 students at NBAPS and the quality of their education is at stake. They will never get a second chance.

I hope you will strongly consider visiting NBAPS in the near future. We would very much like the honor of showing you how far we have been able to stretch every taxpayer dollar. More importantly, we would like you to see first-hand that we, as a district and a community, are out of options.

We need action now to ensure a generation of our children can contribute to a brighter tomorrow for the state of Minnesota. Please don't hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience to arrange a visit.

Respectfully yours,

Deb Henton, Ed.D.



  1. Deb, thank you so much for taking the time to write this letter to Governor Pawlenty!! I think you did a great job and I pray that he will take you up on your offer to visit our school district! I will pray even harder that he does the right thing and fixes the equalization formula! Thank you again for everything you are doing for our district!

  2. Dr. Henton,

    Well stated! The inequities in public school funding are great. Our current system of funding schools equally is a "relic." The responsibility, as your blog stated so well, has been shifted to our local taxpayers who want quality education, but can't afford to foot the bill anymore. Many areas in rural Minnesota have been decimated by this recession and cuts in education only add more fuel to the fire.

    Mr. Pawlenty, with all due respect, must stop saying that he hasn't raised taxes in the state. Indirectly he has just made the local school boards and superintendents the "bad people" by forcing them to ask the local taxpayer to pass operating levies.

    I understand that our state faces a huge crisis, however intelligent discussions and decisions need to be made in order to solve the public education funding problem. We truly can't move forward until this funding relic is fixed.

  3. a district parent and residentApril 8, 2010 at 7:53 PM

    Dear Dr. Henton:
    As a parent and teacher myself, I appreciate all that you have done to bring quality to education in this district. My daughter has received an outstanding education regardless of the large class-size and cuts in extra-curricular activities. I am very pleased with the teachers and overall educational program in North Branch. Like many parents in this district, I am increasingly concerned with the lack of support from the State. It is time that Governor Pawlenty take action necessary to make education equitable for all students, including us rural ones. It should not be the total responsibility of the community to "foot the bill." The US Department of Education wants to "leave no child behind," but our kids in ISD #138 are being left behind, not from the teachers, but from the State and US Government. We can not continue to cut teacher's and para support. We can not continue to cut educational programs in our schools. I hope that Governor Pawlenty will take action for the future of our children and the community. Thank you,
    -district parent and resident

  4. As I would expect from you, Ms Henton, you have done the right thing once again and are acting pro-active in soliciting compassion, help and responsibility from our governor and other legislative leaders. Keep our district and education in Minnesota in the forefront as much as you can! Thank you for all of your efforts - we are lucky to have you!

  5. we ._.

  6. Our school district desperately needs funding. The tax payers are unable to do it because so many are unemployed or struggling to keep their jobs.

    Deb- I appreciate your letter, I haven't always seen eye to eye with you, but the letter was very well put.

  7. Let's stop saying No to levies! It's time for a YES!!!!Our children and our schools are counting on us.
    -from a concerned unemployed parent in NorthBranch


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