Thursday, April 16, 2009

German recommendation changed! (revised)

I am very excited to make this announcement:

The high school German program could be maintained!

A recommendation has been created that would allow North Branch Area Public Schools to offer all levels of German programming at the high school next year, and into the foreseeable future.
Union leadership, the German teacher, and District leadership collaborated to create this tentative solution, which can be implemented at no cost to the District.

By agreeing to expand her licensure to other subject areas, the German teacher has created new flexibility in her assignment, allowing her position to be shared with other departments. This means the German program could be retained even with the current level of student requests.
Because this licensure can be obtained within the same time frame as the recommended phase out of German, this tentative solution is of benefit to the German program, the German teacher, and the District.

The high school German program has been in North Branch Area Public Schools since 1992 (This date revised based on information provided by staff). That the program has grown into a cherished one through the work of the current German teacher since her arrival in 1999, is evidenced by the strong community support for retaining it.

NBAPS is extremely pleased not only to honor this teacher’s work and long-term commitment to the students in our District; but also to see all interested parties within the District work together in recognition of the community’s call to find a solution.

This recommendation will be presented to the School Board at its Work Session on April 23, 7 p.m., in the gymnasium at the Main Street School. Flyers containing this announcement will also be available at tonight's budget listening session, 7:30 to 9 p.m. in the Main Street School gymnasium.


1 comment:

  1. Great! Happy to see the community voice has been heard on this issue. Now, on to the matter of keeping PE so our children learn the value of being active....please, please, please keep this PE teacher/football coach. He has inspired so many in our community. Isn't that what you wanted; Community Engagement? Look at how many in our community are fighting for him. I don't even have children in the MS or HS, but can't stand the thought of you allowing him to be cut when you finally have community support behind a school program. Look at SRS, you are shoving Spanish down the throats of these kids and very few people even want it. I have to elementary aged children who I drive to school every day. I have no problem driving them to either Chisago, Cambridge, or Isanti if the School Board and Superintendent refuse to listen to the voice of this community once again. I have heard time and time again people saying that this is your chance to prove that you are willing to partner with the families in our community. We are telling you we want to keep PE and Coach Link. We DO NOT want Spanish at the elementary level, but rather keep technology as a separtate special. We as a community want to be heard if there is ANY possibility of passing a levy/referendum in the fall. Without being heard on these issues, no levy/referendum will pass. That is a fact.


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