Friday, February 13, 2009


On Thursday, Feb. 13, the North Branch Area School Board voted unanimously to become a member of the St. Croix River Education District (SCRED). This is SCRED's mission statement:
Through the actions of its administrators and governing body, and through collaboration with other service agencies, SCRED will strive for equity of opportunity for all learners by facilitating cooperation, collaboration, communication, and collective excellence among its member districts.
And here is just a brief description of what it does:
SCRED is an organizational structure which manages shared services between its member districts and other governmental service units. SCRED provides management of special education services and consultation to districts on regular education curriculum and instruction.
If you want to learn more, please visit the SCRED homepage.

1 comment:

  1. YES lets sell our souls for only 40k a year YEAH


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