...the two-year stimulus plan would provide up to $1,000 per year in tax relief for most families, dramatically increase funding for alternative energy production, and direct more than $300 billion in aid to states to help rebuild schools, provide health care to the poor and reconstruct highways and bridges.
What could this mean for North Branch Area Public Schools?
According to a spreadsheet received by the district, we could potentially receive almost $1.3 million in additional funding over the next two years. The bulk of the funding would likely be designated for specific purposes, like special education, Title I, and general construction projects.
We asked Congressman James Oberstar to represent our interests in the process of creating the stimulus package, specifically in the area of construction funding, and we are grateful for his leadership in creating this opportunity.
It will likely be some time before the details of the stimulus package are ironed out and we know how the funds can be applied. I can tell you that even with the additional funds from both the state and federal government, NBAPS will need to make budget adjustments for next year, because our enrollment continues to decline.
Meanwhile, the drive to create equity in school funding at the state level remains as important as ever.
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