Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Community Service Day 2012

Community Service Day was last Friday, and we have a photo album posted at the school district Facebook page. Check it out!

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Friday, May 11, 2012

NBAHS is award winning school!

US News and World Report has listed the best high schools in America and NBAPS is proud to report that North Branch Area High School is among them.

NBAHS was one of only 96 high schools in the state to receive a bronze medal. In all, 423 secondary schools in the state were evaluated. Of those that received bronze medals, NBAHS had the highest teacher/student ratio (24:1), proving NBAPS can do more with less.

None of the school districts that surround us received this award. While the high school receives the honor, it would not be possible without the great education provided kids starting in Early Childhood and continuing through the elementary and middle school years. This recognition belongs to all. Congratulations to high school staff, and all the staff who have made this honor possible.

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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

School News 5-9-12

Jeanne Leland’s gift

Spring is generally a time of renewal for families and for our area; trees are in bloom, plants are emerging from the ground, and families are throwing open the windows, eager to renew a relationship with the great outdoors.

For North Branch Area Public Schools, spring can also be a time of sadness. It seems every year we lose a dedicated leader who has spent a lifetime in service to this great community, and this year is certainly no exception.

At the end of this school year the school district will bid adieu to Jeanne Leland, Community Education Director (CED).

Jeanne arrived at North Branch Area Public Schools in 1979. In her time here she has served as a teacher, a coach, and an administrator. Putting it so simply though does not do her contributions to the school district and the community as a whole justice.

Jeanne is a tireless advocate of education, both for children and adults. As CED she is deeply passionate about providing the community access to the tools they need to be successful as people, parents, and citizens.

Jeanne is also one of the finest I’ve seen at seeing problems and issues from a variety of perspectives. She understands life from many points of view and works hard to be empathetic to all. Her wisdom and approach to problem solving has been invaluable to this school district over her 32 years here.

I know that you wish her the very best in her future, as we do. I hope you will take a moment, the next time you see Jeanne around town, to tell her “thank you” for her invaluable service. She retires not just as a director, but as one of the most dedicated advocates for the community you are likely to find. I have no doubt she will continue to be so even in retirement.

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