Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Looking back - looking ahead

This is my last column of 2011 and, looking back, there is much to be thankful for. Most importantly, students and staff have remained largely safe and in the bosom of their families. It is easy to forget that NBAPS is more than just the latest headline; we are a large family and we care very much for our fellow staff members and our students.

I am grateful for the many notes of support and encouragement we receive during rough periods. The kindness so many of you show buoys our spirits and reminds us that families rely on us to provide a high quality education, and have faith that we do so.

It has been an exciting year; advertising is now allowed in our schools, planning for D3 has been ongoing, and Patron Tours were a huge success. Which reminds me...if you want to come along on our Tuesday, Jan. 10 tour, call (651) 674-1018.

Overall it has been a year of rising above obstacles, strengthening partnerships, and working together to ensure the highest quality education for each and every student. We are proud of that effort and even more proud of the results.

The coming year promises to be one of great excitement and challenges. Budget season is almost upon us; not a happy time here. Students and families will worry about losing programs and many of our staff members will endure great stress wondering if they will have a job next year.

On the bright side, high school students will be bringing their devices to school in a couple of weeks, and we are confident the middle school is not far behind. Teachers will be piloting technology projects in classrooms as a result of the district’s Focus Forward mini-grants. There will be highs and lows, and opportunities for us to shine.

And shine we shall. That’s my resolution to you for 2012.

Happy holidays everyone!

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Open enrollment night

Hi all! I'm going to try and get back in the swing of things over here at the blog. I'll start by posting the most recent School News column:

At North Branch Area Public Schools, we have many things to offer prospective students. We also know that it is imperative we do everything we can to attract new students.

We are pleased to announce Open Enrollment Night on Tuesday, Jan. 3, from 5:30 – 7 p.m., at Sunrise River School, North Branch Area Middle School, North Branch Area High School, and the Area Learning Center.

Open Enrollment Night is an opportunity for us to show off our wonderful facilities, staff, and programs. Staff will be on hand at each site to answer questions and show students why NBAPS is the right solution for them. There is much to be proud of!

We offer world language K-12, and have Spanish, music, and phy-ed in elementary school. There are Kindles in our media centers, and college in the schools. A robotics program, half-day, every-day Kindergarten, specialized learning for gifted and talented students, and individualized math and reading instruction are all available. And that is just a sample.

Our Focus Forward initiative is resulting in big changes in how we educate; changes that reflect the times we live in and the skills students need in a tough, technology-driven economy.

Roughly a dozen mini-grants across the district will put technology in the hands of kids, and teachers on the path to providing technology skills across the curriculum. Our D3 (Discover Digital Devices) program allows high school students to bring devices they already possess into the classroom.

Do you know students outside the district? Encourage them to attend and learn more. We have even expanded our busing borders, and though we can’t give everyone a ride from their home, students looking to open enroll here may be closer to a bus stop than they think.

We can make this a great night. If you have questions, or if you know people who might want to know more, please don’t hesitate to contact me at (651) 674-1012.

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