Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Addressing change for students

It is important to remove as much stress from students as possible to clear the way for education. One important stress students face is moving to a new, unfamiliar, building from a site they are comfortable with. At North Branch Area Public Schools, we do everything we can to alleviate that stress and allow transitioning students to return next fall without the anxiety associated with change.

Students starting at Sunrise River School next year will have the Jump Start Kindergarten program, offered through targeted services and made possible by the district’s ever-increasing access to data. Kindergarten orientation will be August 16, 17, and 18, and there will also be an open house. Early Childhood students have already had exposure to Sunrise through activities early this winter. Special education students have had transition meetings and families have been “handed off” to Sunrise.

Students starting at the middle school next year will receive a building tour on June 1 and 2, from 2:30 - 3:30, and Trinity Christian School students have been invited to take part in that event as well. It is a chance to hear about programs and be introduced to staff. A newsletter will be going out soon to middle school families that will also include information about Sneak-a-Peek day on Aug. 25, as well as open house on Aug. 31.

Middle school students starting high school next year have already received an activities orientation, and on Friday, May 27 eighth grade students toured the facility to gain familiarity. Open house will be Aug. 31 from 6 - 8 p.m.

Students completing their high school education and transitioning to STEP (Student Transition & Employability Program) have the opportunity for an extended school year and educational planning meetings have been held with staff and families.

It is hoped that these opportunities will allow students to return to school next fall without the fear of the unknown that comes with changing sites, giving them a chance to start the school year able to focus primarily on their studies.

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Friday, June 3, 2011

Another year coming to a close

School ends next week and it has been another remarkable year at North Branch Area Public Schools (NBAPS). I am always amazed at the enthusiasm of staff and families to make the school year as successful as possible.

This year brought unique challenges to the district in the form of a school closure and a new schedule, a four-day school week. In both areas I have seen great success in transition.

Closing Main Street School was made possible by a realignment that saw kindergarten and first grade students at Sunrise River for the first time and the return of fifth grade to North Branch Area Middle School, among other changes. There was much moving last summer and, of course, concern about how these changes would impact students. But these transitions were handled remarkably smoothly; a testament to the care staff put into making it successful and the partnership of families who want to see education thrive at NBAPS.

The four-day week was also a significant change, but no less successful. We continue to improve the schedule in ways that work for families, and it is again that partnership and the dedication of staff that are key to the successful transition.

I have spoken with many who enjoy the extra family time. We also know that some still face challenges adjusting and we want to help in any way we can. Make no mistake, the four-day week is here because our community demands that we find “outside the box” solutions to saving money and we will demonstrate this summer that it is accomplishing just that.

So, thank you to staff at NBAPS, and to all our families as well. You have made the 2010-11 school year one we can look back on with pride. Thank you also to the community that supports our district. We are proud to be your partner in creating a bright future for generations of students.

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