Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A holiday salutation

Happy holidays to all of my readers and to the community at large! I hope you enjoy the season to its fullest, with family and friends close by!

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A podcast experiment

As part of the district's strategic plan, we are tasked with finding ways to bring school board meetings to a wider audience. With that in mind we are experimenting with podcasting meetings and making the audio publicly available. Here is a podcast of the Dec. 10, 2009 meeting:

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Good news on the college front

MPR is reporting a study today that shows an incredible number of Minnesota students enrolling in college:

A new report from the Minnesota Office of Higher Education says 70.2 percent, or 45,776, of Minnesota's 65,000 2008 high school graduates enrolled in college immediately after graduation. That's a slight increase over the year before.

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

SEE Notes

Brad Lundell, of Schools for Equity in Education, is doing some great reporting on happenings at the state level. Check out his blog, "SEE Notes." It is a good way to keep up with what is happening with state government and education.

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Friday, December 4, 2009

Kudos to musical staff and students

It's nice to read such a positive review of our talented students:

In all, the NB musical of Fiddler on the Roof was an excellent production, put together by a cast and crew that clearly spent a lot of rehearsal time and energy into putting on such a great show.

It was truly a delight to enjoy such fantastic singing, dancing, and music.
There is more here.

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

H1N1 ebbs

Here's some good news for schools across the state:
For the fifth week in a row, the number of H1N1 flu cases in Minnesota has declined, buttressing health officials' belief that the current wave of the outbreak has peaked.
There is more detail here. Here in North Branch we have put detailed measures in place for reacting to outbreaks of H1N1 and regular flu. Some of those measures were even put into action earlier this year when absences from flu-like symptoms rose at most sites.

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