Tuesday, June 22, 2010

We are approved!

The district learned yesterday afternoon that the state has approved our application for a four-day week. You can read the press release here, and also view the letter sent to the district from MDE commissioner Alice Seagren.

I was pleased MDE noticed the great degree to which the district went to involve as many people as possible, and am looking forward to dedicating those "fifth day" dollars to the classroom, which so many have told us needs to be our top priority.

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Thursday, June 3, 2010

NBAPS as a business

We have compiled a document entitled "NBAPS as a Business," which gives an overview of the size and scope of district operations. It also shows what the district receives and spends in specific areas relative to the state averages. I hope it will answer many questions people have about the district.

You can review this two-page, easy to read summary by clicking here.

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